JEDDAH — The Indian community honored president of Indo-Arab Friendship Foundation Jaber Patel from Telangana state of India and Karnataka state Assembly member and Minister Roshan Baig recently at a reception held at Shamim Kaiser's residence here in Jeddah. Prominent Indian community members and media personalities attended the event. Tarek Mishkas, editor-in-chief of Urdu News and Malayalam News, was the chief guest of the event. The program started with the recitation of verses from Holy Qur'an, followed Neat by Faizan Ali Khan and Mohd. Ameen Ansari while Imran Kausar welcomed the guests and compered the program. Speaking on the occasion Mishkas said, "I am very pleased to see the warm welcome of our visiting dignitaries; these kinds of occasions help us to know more about the situations and current affairs of our home country." He congratulated Roshan Baig for the establishment of first ‘Haj house' in India, and he also praised the efforts of Khake-Taiba Trust. Roshan Baig said, "Today Indian Muslims should face the challenges bravely instead of complaining, for these trials and difficulties are not new for them. If we want development then we must move forward without caring of all difficulties." He added, "Governments change with time but to convey our problems at the government level is the need of time, we Muslims should prove ourselves successful in all the fields, and we need qualified advocate, IAS, IPS, doctors and scientists in India." He congratulated the community for organizing the program despite their busy schedule and advised them to arrange coaching for talented youth so that we can get a better Muslim youth in future. Jaber Patel also addressed the gathering and said, "Whenever Indo-Arab Friendship Foundation organizes programs many diplomats from GCC countries along with Indian ministers attend and participate." According to him he exhibited 35 varieties of mango in recently held mango festival and aiming to bring 300 varieties in future. Aijaz Ahmed Khan said, "Patel always works for the betterment of Muslim community in India." He thanked Patel for his cooperation in making a grand success of recently organized Mango festival by India Forum. Khan made an announcement that Khake-Taiba Trust will celebrate its 25th years in July in which Patel will help them. Later Mishkas presented shields to Jaber Patel and Roshan Baig for their services. Syed Khaja Viqaruddin proposed the vote of thanks.