Abdul Latif Jameel Electronics recently announced the launch of its Exchange Offer, allowing customers to change any brand of home appliance for the latest, energy efficient models, choosing from window or split air conditioners (ACs), refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, washing machines and cookers. Valid until the end of June 2016, the offer is available at Abdul Latif Jameel Electronics' retail showrooms. Alternatively, customers can purchase their new ACs and home appliances through "../AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/Content.Outlook/NIQICMKE/aljelectronics.com.sa"aljelectronics.com.sa. AC brands available through the exchange offer include Sharp and White Westinghouse, while home appliances brands while Sharp, White Westinghouse and Toshiba. Both Sharp and White Westinghouse offer a wide choice of AC units ranging from 12,000 BTU to 36,000 BTU. The new models have a minimum 5 star Energy Rating with many models achieving 7 stars. Also they have lower noise levels and require less maintenance. Customers taking advantage of the offer can benefit from an SR500 cash incentive for their old air conditioning unit or home appliance, as well as from a number of added value services, including free delivery, free installation, free removal and disposal of old ACs or home appliance, free five Year compressor warranty, free copper pipe kit and 0% Interest on credit card purchases. P. Venkat, Managing Director of Abdul Latif Jameel Electronics, said: "Abdul Latif Jameel Electronics is an organization that has a long history of corporate social responsibility and the Exchange Offer is part of our commitment to environmental conservation, recognizing that energy efficiency is essential within Saudi Arabia today." "With the rising costs of electricity in Saudi Arabia, we felt that Abdul Latif Jameel Electronics should help customers by offering an affordable and convenient way to use energy efficient air conditioning devices and home appliances. Better still; consumers can increase their energy efficiency even more by opting for inverter models of either ACs or refrigerators. The inverter compressors can help to reduce electricity bills by up to 30% and are significantly quieter." Venkat pointed out that the exchange plan is unique in the Saudi market where there is no comparable offer that enables consumers to upgrade to more energy efficient ACs and home appliances. The exchange plan was launched after the success of the TV Exchange Offer that allowed customers to upgrade their old TV to the latest LED TVs. Customers can find out more about the AC and Home Appliance exchange plan by calling 800 127 9999 or by visiting "http://www.aljelectronics.com.sa" www.aljelectronics.com.sa.