Al-Jazirah Twenty five years ago if you had told an ordinary person in the Khabeeb Street of Buraidah that one can see and hear what was happening in a Paris street through a small device that he could carry in his pocket, he would accuse you of being bewitched and could even beat you up for being possessed by a genie. People never expected this sort of a technological revolution that radically changed the way they communicated. On the contrary, the elderly people of Khabeeb, whom some people describe as billionaires in disguise because they never show off their affluence, now interact with their children and grandchildren pursuing higher studies in San Diego in Southern California around the clock to discuss locust prices and the damages caused by the recent rain to their properties in Jeddah or Qassim. Scientific and technological advancement will continue and will not stop at this stage, as we have reached the end of 2015, looking forward to new inventions in 2016 and years to come. SixthSense is the latest Japanese invention, which is capable of analyzing the atmosphere to warn about possible catastrophes before they happen. They have developed another system, which can predict thefts at homes before they take place after analyzing functions of certain household equipment such as bulbs and television sets as the system will be able to identify the operator of the devices, whether it was the owner or an intruder. The sixth sense technology is expected to overtake police in tracking down thieves and criminals as it will be able to analyze their intentions and activities. Smart homes will be able to interact with their owners as lights will be automatically switched off when the system senses that the owner is in deep slumber. Please don't ask me for details. Japanese scientists are now working on three new systems. One of them can predict possible road accidents before they happen. The car will interfere automatically to save the driver and passengers after studying movement of the vehicle coming from the opposite side. Let me stop here, otherwise I would be described as a liar, lunatic or someone influenced by black magic like the people of Khabeeb Street had done once.