The driver of a Saher vehicle was killed when a man opened fire on the car in Al-Qwedeqeeh Governorate Wednesday. “Police have opened an investigation into the incident after a burnt out Saher vehicle was found on the Riyadh-Makkah Highway,” Al-Hayat quoted Riyadh police sources as saying. The police have also assigned a team of experts from the Criminal Investigation Department and a forensics expert to examine the crime scene. The sources said the team has examined the scene and is considering the motive of the crime. This is the most violent attack on Saher workers since the system came into effect. Saher aims to curb speeding on Saudi roads which were listed as the worlds most dangerous roads in a 2009 World Health Organization report. However, there have been numerous cases where angry motorists have vented their rage on the Saher system, including smashing and shooting Saher cameras and puncturing the tires of Saher vehicles.