Indian selectors dropped senior spinner Harbhajan Singh Thursday from an injury-hit squad for the first two One-Day Internationals of its home series against England next month. India's cricket board said that Harbhajan, who missed a recent one-day series in England because of a stomach injury sustained during a preceding Test series, will make way for rookie Punjab leg-spinner Rahul Sharma. Sachin Tendulkar (toe), Virender Sehwag (shoulder), Yuvraj Singh (finger) and Zaheer Khan (ankle) were not considered for the squad after picking up injuries during the tour of England in which India failed to win a single game. “We finalized the squad after having discussed everything,” chief selector Krishnamachari Srikkanth told reporters. “It is a good chance for youngsters and we feel we have a balanced side.” The five-match ODI series starts at Hyderabad on Oct. 14. The tour ends with a Twenty20 game in Kolkata on Oct. 29. India ODI squad: Gautam Gambhir, Parthiv Patel, Ajinkya Rahane, Virat Kohli, Suresh Raina, Mahendra Singh Dhoni (captain), Manoj Tiwary, Ravindra Jadeja, Ravichandran Ashwin, Praveen Kumar, Varun Aaron, Umesh Yadav, Vinay Kumar, Sreenath Aravind, Rahul Sharma.