SP Jain School of Global Management (SP Jain Global) has been ranked among the world's leading institutions in the QS International Trade Rankings 2025 and the QS Full-Time MBA Rankings 2025, reinforcing its strong reputation in global trade and (...)
Golden Royal Plaza would like to wish each and every one of our customers, and the whole of Saudi Arabia, a very Happy Indian Independence Day.
Golden Royal plaza has had the privilege of serving delectable Indian cuisine to the residents of Jeddah, (...)
term expenditure framework (three years); and ensuring anadherence to this ceiling;
b.Reviewing and improving budgetpolicies and procedures, preparation and implementation; beginning implementation during fiscal year 1437/1438; and applying budget (...)
Sharhan said in a statement today that the project will boost the local economy of Vietnam and contribute significantly to the achievement of added economic value.
For his part, the Director and Chief Executive Officer of Acwa Power Paddy (...)
store, 500-employee Daka chain have been arrested, and the company will now be forced to sell products at "fair prices," Reuters cited Maduro as saying late on Friday.
State media showed soldiers in one Daka shop checking the price tags on large (...)
غادر صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير دولة قطر جدة مساء اليوم بعد زيارة للمملكة.
وكان في وداع سموه بمطار الملك عبدالعزيز الدولي صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير خالد الفيصل بن عبدالعزيز أمير منطقة مكة المكرمة ,ومعالي وزير الدولة عضو مجلس الوزراء (...)
level forum for dialogue between cultures, which was organized at United Nations Headquarters in New York in March 2011, adding that Saudi movement in the Executive Council was crowned with the establishment of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz World (...)
Hashemi, Ahmad Jastaniah, chairman of SBRM, and Eng. Ahmad Jameel Kouther, SBRM board member.
JEDDAH: Emirati BRM Co., a market leader in the slipform segment of the construction industry, has formed a joint venture with the Saudi Building (...)
Amal Hospital which witnessed last week the flight of 15 patients receiving treatment for drug addiction has blamed former management for circumstances he believes led to the incident.
Osama Ibrahim said that the patients' treatment program had (...)
Unwinding the stimulus too soon runs a real risk of derailing the recovery, with potentially significant implications for growth and unemployment. herefore, exit policies should only be launched once there are clear indications that the recovery has (...)
The global banking system has finally gotten to its feet, but it is still struggling to stand up straight, Moody's Investors Service said in its new report on the world's financial recovery.
The ratings agency's special report titled “Are Banks on (...)
Naji said he was proud of the efforts that went into creating the Data Services Software,
He disclosed that by 2011 about 60 percent of Exploration's Seismic data workflow will be accessed through Data Services Software (DSS).
He also stressed (...)
Faisaliya Women's Welfare Society as the first autism center in the Arab World since 1993.
Princess Fahdah Bint Saud Al-Saud, head of the Faisaliya Woman's Welfare Society, identified the main goals of the forum. They are, she said, to provide all (...)
party centre-left minority government which relied on
support from the opposition Conservatives to function.
But in recent weeks an increasingly bitter dispute over the head
of the national security services has set the Conservatives and
Social (...)
hit regions after declaring a state of emergency on Sunday and dispatching 500 National Guard troops to flooded districts in the southwest of the state.
Flights were delayed at airports across the region on Friday. New York's LaGuardia and New (...)
New York said its business conditions index rose for a third consecutive month to 349.7 in September, its highest level in at least eight years.
U.S. financial markets responded differently to the day's mixed bag of economic data. Stocks ended (...)
Chicago business barometer surged to 60.5 in September from 49.2 in August. Economists had forecast the index at 51.0.
The University of Michigan's index of consumer sentiment dropped more than expected in September, falling to 76.9 from 89.1 in (...)
terrorism Pact and the GCC Unified Security Strategy for Combating terror-associated Extremism and announced commitment to the United Nations relevant agreements to fight terrorism.
King Fahd 8-point proposal for the peaceful settlement of the (...)
thirds approval from the 191- member assembly.
Ruehe told reporters he was optimistic that the five current veto- powers on the Security Council would not be able to hold back a two- thirds majority will of the assembly.
The debate was to continue (...)
supplies, including a replacement gyroscope for one that
failed in March. Gyroscopes help steer the station.
Kirkalev, a Russian cosmonaut, and astronaut John Phillips
used two digital cameras _ one with a 400 millimeter lens
and another (...)
year government bonds in May for the first time since 1960 and is expected to announce a sale in the upcoming quarter of 50-year index-linked bonds when it outlines its auction calendar on Thursday.
The ONS said it has revised its figures for each (...)
resolution digital cameras that the next space station crew will use to photograph the shuttle, said JSC spokeswoman Kylie Clem.
The images will be relayed to ground control teams so engineers can check for damage.
Ideally, NASA wants to be able (...)
private partnership for improvement in the education sector has also been envisaged.
The Asian Development Bank and DFID are also developing a programme to take care of technical assistance component of the ADB's Devolved Social Services Programme (...)
handed and grasping, but he did not believe they were out to seize control of other private businesses.
"They are grabbing their piece of the pie but I do not see a mass asset grab," said the manager, who works for a prominent Russian business (...)