الدنيا بلا عطاء تتحول إلى النهاية والفناء، ومن تأمل في واقعنا وجد أن كل من قدّم خدمات إنسانية واجتماعية فهو حي يرزق ولو كان قد رحل منذ سنوات، ما دامت أعماله الخيرية على قيد الحياة وتصل إلى مستحقيها.. وفي هذا يقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (إذا (...)
I HAVE always said that if Saudization was introduced to the teaching staff in universities then the outcomes would be very harmful. I do not underestimate anyone here. However, universities are where multiculturalism and multinationalism should (...)
ECONOMIC crises occur in all countries of the world. No country has escaped crises in spite of its economic strength and international reputation.
Economic recovery of a country and its progress depend on how successfully it deals with the (...)
Shaibi, the current keeper of the House of Allah, with Okaz/Saudi Gazette reporter Manal Al-Sharif. — Okaz photos
Okaz/Saudi Gazette
JEDDAH – The Shaibi family continues to honor the tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him), by handing (...)
Fantoukh, Deputy Minister of Higher Education for Planning and Information and board member of Darrat King Abdul Aziz, has described manuscripts as “the intellectual casket of peoples' cultures from centuries back” and the “living memory of our (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsIT is reported that Shurayh said, “If I am afflicted with a calamity, I praise Allah for it four times: I praise Him because it wasn't worse than it was, I praise Him when He gives me the patience to bear it, (...)
Saudi businessman Yasin Al-Qadi started the process of filing a lawsuit in Washington Sunday claiming that he has been wrongfully accused by the Bush administration of financing terrorism, leading to the freezing of his assets.
Al-Qadi, 53, decided (...)