The intelligent person's tongue is behind his heart: when he wants to speak, he first thinks. If (his words) will be in his favor, he says them, and if they will be against him, he does not speak. And the ignorant person's heart is behind his (...)
Restraint is praiseworthy except in three things. Make haste to do the righteous deed, hurry to conduct the funeral of your deceased, and marry the girl in your charge to a suitable man (as soon as you find him).
Al-Ahnaf Bin Qays
Al-Mujalasah (...)
Suwayd Bin Ghaflah reports that
It is reported that Anas Bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “There are two days and two nights the likes of which no one has ever heard of before: the Day on which you will receive the news about Allah (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessors
It is reported that Wuhayb Bin Al-Ward (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Verily, when Allah the Exalted wants to honor a servant of His (for his righteousness), He afflicts him with a reduced means of (...)
Suwayd Bin Ghaflah reports that
It is reported that Al-Sha'bi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Allah distinguished Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) with four qualities that He did not distinguish anyone else with: Allah (...)
Briefly, what is the way to seek knowledge, and may Allah reward you with good?
A – Briefly, in point form, the way to seek knowledge (is as follows):
1) Take care to memorize the Book of Allah. Allocate some time every day to memorize and (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsIt is reported that Abu Hazim Al-Ashja'i (d. 100H; companion of Abu Hurairah) said: “If you find yourself in a time when speech is accepted as knowledge and knowledge is accepted as deeds (instead of putting (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessors
It is reported that Abu Al-Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “You will never be pious (a person of taqwa) until you become knowledgeable, and you will never be beautiful with your knowledge until (...)
The people of the past would be careful about the beliefs they held. They loved and respected the Islamic scholars.
It is reported that the Companion Abu Al-Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Be a scholar or a learner, or a person who (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessors
Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have said: “O son of Adam! If you are heedless about yourself and do not prepare, no one else will prepare for you. You must meet Allah the Mighty and (...)
The righteous Caliphs are role models for us and the Muslim rulers. The following example of Caliph Umar illustrates his piety in the amount he would claim as his salary.
Al-Ahnaf Bin Qays reports that Umar Bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with (...)
COMMENTING on Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd's advice, “...and do not indulge in luxury and comfort...”, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Uthaymeen said:
“This is a piece of advice that should be given to both students of knowledge and (common people). This is because (...)
Q- If I come across a verse of Sajdat-ut-Tilawah (prostration of recitation) when I am reciting the Qur'an at my desk, or when I am teaching the students, or in any place, should I perform the Sajdat-ut-Tilawah? And is the prostration (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsSINS escape no one. But one of the differences between us and the pious people of the past was that they took sins seriously, though their mistakes and sins were much lighter than what we commit today.
It is (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsIT is reported that Muhammad Bin Sirin said, “I have never envied anyone (the evil type) over anything: if a person is going to be in the Fire, how could I envy him over some worldly matter when he is destined (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsIT is reported that Muhammad Bin Sirin said, “I have never envied anyone over anything: if a person is going to be in the Fire, how could I envy him over some worldly matter when he is destined for the Fire?! (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsTHE great ascetic Shaqiq Al-Balakhi was once asked, “What is the mark of (true) repentance?” He replied, “Continued crying over past sins, deep fear of falling into them again, staying away from bad company, (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsIT is reported that Hammad Bin Salamah said, “Being cursed is not some blackness that can be seen on the face, but it is when you do not leave a sin except that you fall into another.”
– Abu Bakr (...)
Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say, “Learn knowledge before it is taken way, and it is taken away with the death of scholars. The scholar and the student are partners in good and there is no good in any other people.
The richest is (...)
ABU Hurayrah is reported to have said, “People say, ‘Abu Hurayrah reports so many (Hadith),' but if it were not for two verses in Allah's book, I would not narrate a single Hadith.” Then he recited, “Verily, those who hide what Allah has sent down (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessors
IMAM Malik said, “I am but a man. I make mistakes sometimes and I am correct sometimes, so examine my opinions and accept anything that agrees with the Book and Sunnah; and leave anything that does not (...)
What is the way to seek knowledge?
A – Briefly, the way to seek knowledge (is as follows):
• Take care to memorize the Book of Allah and allocate some time everyday to memorize and read, such that your recitation is with reflection and (...)
Women attending
Islamic study circles
Q- Is it permissible for women to go to mosques and the (Islamic) study lessons (circles)?
A – Yes. It is permissible for women to go to mosques and the (Islamic) study lessons (circles), however so long (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsIMAM Malik said, “I am but a man. I make mistakes sometimes and I am correct sometimes, so examine my opinions and accept anything that agrees with the Book and Sunnah; and leave anything that does not agree (...)
From the lives of our pious predecessorsSHAQIQ Al-Balakhi was once asked, “What is the mark of (true) repentance?” He replied, “Continued crying over past sins, deep fear of falling into them again, staying away from bad company, and keeping the (...)