From the lives of our pious predecessors It is reported that Wuhayb Bin Al-Ward (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Verily, when Allah the Exalted wants to honor a servant of His (for his righteousness), He afflicts him with a reduced means of living, illness in his body and a fearful life (all of which expiate his sins). Until death comes upon him, and he still has some sins, death is made hard upon him because of them, causing him to meet Allah with no sins against him. “And when a person is of little value to Allah (because of his disobedience), He makes his body healthy, broadens his means of living and makes him feel safe (the rewards for any good deeds he did are exhausted). Until death comes upon him, and he still has some good deeds, the experience of death is lightened for him because of them, and he meets Allah with nothing.” – Abu Bakr Al-Daynuri, Al-Mujalasah wa Jawahir Al