What is the way to seek knowledge? A – Briefly, the way to seek knowledge (is as follows): • Take care to memorize the Book of Allah and allocate some time everyday to memorize and read, such that your recitation is with reflection and understanding. And if you come across a beneficial point whilst reading, then make a note of it; • Take care to memorize what is easy (for you) from the authentic Sunnah of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and from that (I recommend) memorizing (the book) “'Umdatul-Ahkaam”; • Take care in concentrating (whilst seeking knowledge) such that you do not take a little knowledge from here and a little from there. This is because this wastes your time and (unnecessarily) busies your mind; • Start with smaller books and study them well, then move on to those that are above (in level) until you gain knowledge little by little in a manner which makes (the knowledge) firm in your heart; • Take care to understand the fundamental issues, their rules and the limits of all that passes by you, as it has been said: “Whoever does not take care to learn the fundamentals, then he has prevented (himself) from arriving at the goal;” • Discuss issues with your Sheikh or someone who is known for his knowledge and (practice of the) religion. – Sheikh Bin Uthaymeen; Kitab-ul-'Ilm, Pg. 119, no. 17. Short dresses for young children Q- Some women, may Allah guide them, dress their young daughters in short dresses that display the shins. When we advise those women, they reply, “We used to wear those when we were young and it hasn't caused us any harm when we have got older.” What is your opinion on that? A – I am of the opinion that a person should not dress his daughter in such clothing while she is young. This is because if she grows accustomed to it, she will stick with it and she will consider it a light matter. However, if you train her properly to be bashful when she is young, she will continue in that proper manner when she gets older. I advise my Muslim sisters to leave the dress of foreigners and bring up their children wearing clothes that cover their bodies, and to teach them modesty, because modesty is part of faith. – Sheikh Bin Uthaymeen; Fatawa Al-Mar'ah Buloogh Al-Maraam Q- Is not the book “Al-Muharrar” of Ibn ‘Abdil-Hadi better than “Buloogh Al-Maraam” (of Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani)? A – Buloogh Al-Maraam is widely available to people and its author is (authentic); and it is more appropriate that a person refers to what is (more) widely available than what is not. This is because people will not benefit much from something that is hardly in circulation. Buloogh Al-Maraam is well-known and has been read and explained by our scholars. – Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen; Kitab-ul