The achievements of the state of comprehensive and complete security together with clear objective social life through rational awareness and numerous steps during many decades that extend to no less than a hundred years approximately until reaching the third stage of the Saudi state is apparent. During its development, the state has cared for providing the clear stability and continuous projects heading towards achieving multiple pathways of development in the fields of raising the level of social life together with continuous improvement until reaching the present condition of clear development interfaces by which it has surpassed any other Arab state. All such achievements of the state has been implemented through a safe, convincing and logical peaceful trip that led to the present special privilege we are living in together with the international respect of well known evidences that we have acquired. We may, for example, disagree with the United States, the first state in the world, but this does not mean that the existence of a dispute which is a contrary situation to the one of the underdeveloped countries which deal on the basis of the principle of either with (me) or against (me) without having a stable opinion and an objective attitude. We know that the multiple disputes are existed in the Arab countries but such knowledge leads us towards realizing that the local disputes lead to the rise of a third group for each disputing party which initiates from abroad to represent a bloody representation to the ones it belongs to inside its state. We do thank the Lord because our country has not witnessed such a thing of neither a bloody local dispute nor a brutal existence for it abroad. There had been long years during which the Saudi city had been lacking the presence of a hundred people whose education reached the level of school preparatory stage. However, the present variation of the higher certificates in an amazing way has become the most convincing phenomenon for any follower which proves to him that our citizens are the holders of scientific excellence more than anyone else and that their specializations range between the scientific, administrative and economic ones through numerous numbers of graduates which have no similar in any other Arab country or even other Arab countries. During the close past, we used to view well their positives aspects but are viewing now, regretfully, the numerous dangers they are living in together with a complete stoppage of the development that used to be going on in the past. The wise, rational, strict and serious decisions issued by the state against any stupid intervention in any Arab conflict existed out of our borders for prohibiting their belonging to us while being in such backwardness represent a very clear positive deterrent which abandons any low ideas dreaming to have an existence anywhere. Such decisions are, at the same time, a proof which assures that the conscious state in our country strongly refuses such regression and poor awareness. Greeting and admiration from all of us as citizens are addressed to Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdulla, to His Highness His Crown Prince Salman and to all of those who are running the spots of responsibility and have been charged with following up such regard.