19.1 billion Cubic meters of water have been consumed by the Kingdom in a year of which 83% were used for agriculture, said Ministry of Electricity & Water. This information is not new unless we consider it a self exoneration of coming responsibilities. We do not really know the authority in charge of digging licenses and planting of feed, olives, leisure foods and palm trees, in addition to poultry farming. It is not really known whether it is the ministry of Pilgrimage or Ministry of Exterior as the coordination between this Ministry and agriculture is useless. Everyone agrees that there is an illogical waste (of water) in spite of that decision making is not in the hand of a person who is not responsible before the supreme command. A lot have been written and said, in addition to the warnings that have been sent from national experts and stating that we are running behind a massive catastrophe. An expert in one of the two ministries preferred to resign from his job rather than keep waiting for the blame due to that he dared to say the truth. The only new aspect in the issue is that therapy shall delay and the real catastrophe shall happen. Some water specialists wrote through numbers and maps that the water going to the sea or wasted through evaporation due to some useless dams can be benefited from through establishments of quarries and practical dams that can cover our needs of water for drinking and agriculture. They even said that treating waste water through the international standards can provide the water required for agriculture, toilets / bathrooms and parks irrigation. The biggest disaster is that we plant the feed, vegetables and fruit we need but do not consume them as they cross the borders towards other countries. What some people talked about of external agricultural investments are blocked by administrative and environmental barriers, in addition to that some monopoly international companies invested in these countries before us and are not willing to abandon their shares. In Israel, no well, whether shallow or deep, is dug for except after granting the approval of Knesset, in spite of that it represents the scientifically advanced country in regard to water and agriculture researches. However, we keep silent while watching the companies that waste the water for planting flowers that are sold in flowers production center in Holland later! The pathway between agriculture and water is crooked as both parties in charge of responsibility neither want to admit the truth nor to deal with it through a unified strategy. Kuwait had tried earlier to purchase water from Iraq but such attempt is restricted by international deals and political disputes that may lead to breaking such agreements after any dispute arising between them. A report about purchasing water from Sudan and injecting it in our lands has been published too but such try is hindered, as well, by many obstacles. In spite of that water desalination is costly, the statistics derived from many resources estimate that the citizen's consumption of water does not exceed 20% before the 83% wasted for agriculture. There is a profusion led by the citizen, the various laborers and some workshops. However, this profusion is not equal to the profusion caused because of agriculture. Accordingly, why do we insist that we are a country that can produce all kinds of crops in spite of that we know that our stock (ground water...etc) cannot be retrieved or compensated. Each of the two ministries concerned knows this fact and has the reports, researches and statistics about them. However, there is no fast work plan led practically by them due to that the bureaucracy spread in them prohibit such instant movement. We do know that such words shall push them towards objection and considering that there is a previous hostility in regard to what they are doing. This is not true as all state entities face similar criticism as long as the state, through its official and moral character, works on reformation and resection of mistakes. We have repeated in many earlier opinions that we have no hostility with any official due to that we are with our national interest since the beginning until reaching the end.