There are no stable issues in policy which is always moving within security and economic interests' circles. Accordingly, it is difficult to bargain on any super power or very small country's direction. Our region witnessed and suffered the catastrophe of Palestine but the same catastrophe has become an independence day for Israel in which they celebrate. There is a big difference between a state that could push the superpowers towards serving it, in addition to extending its influence to reach the circle of the decision makers in the United States and Europe & Arab countries which are begging the impossible peace and the mediation of its enemies' allies. The irony here is that the various and internally divided Israeli parties adopted the approach of "the ally between the counterparts" as a part of the national security concept and forgot about the hassles and diversions which were occurring between them. Such maturity comes only from leaderships that abandon their own interests and consider the higher national interests. 64 years passed after the catastrophe. Palestinians conditions before the other catastrophe of 1967 were better and their lands were wider. However, what they are seeking now is to keep that occupied land among circumstances in which Hamas is running towards Iran which is "going to free the homeland from the little bug," said Nejad, While the other runners are chasing the Peace mirage through looking for an open door for negotiations. Such disagreement can neither be interpreted as an ideological one where each party has his direction nor it can be interpreted as a distribution of roles where the disagreeing parties have common agreement about the basic stuff but are disagreeing about the secondary ones in a way in which they are benefiting from the help of any party that supports their case within a curriculum and long term strategic plans. Among the crowdedness of the Arab events that overthrew many regimes and were preceded by the financial crises of the United States and the West; the Palestinian voice has become very low, if not vanished, due to the behavior of the Palestinian leaderships which are similar to two bold men quarreling for a comb, while Israel is expanding every day and seizing more lands on which it is building more and more settlements. Mean while, the Palestinians are busy in their personal disputes which are covered by slogans already expired. Fragmentation harmed the Palestinian nation which has become concerned about providing the bread, water, electricity, fuel and other stuff more than confronting Israel. This common sense is not due to that they forgot their cause but due to the disappointment caused by reasons which made them victims of the enemy and their homeland lord himself. It is a catastrophe that occurred when all the Arabs were powerless and with no resources, in addition to illiteracy and poverty which are still prevailing until now. In spite of the available resources; we have been transformed to parties and tribes representing powers which are fighting on unknown sectarian targets while their powers are wasted. Among such conditions, the Palestinian cause shall be definitely sidelined in a similar way to other security and development Arab issues that have drowned in thoughts which are totally a way from creating the suitable conditions for a new national construction. Israel has become a basic player in the region and may participate with Israel in sharing the inheritance of the Arabs. The responsibility is not related to the condition resulted from the Palestinians disputes with each other only but to the Arab condition which has become foggy and defeatist as well. Except for some hope that has started to set some ideas; the general view does not imply that something is going to happen and change the pace of the Palestinian case with Israel. Accordingly; the catastrophe is still continuous and what we fear from now is to be followed by other catastrophes that may affect or rock the whole of Arab Homeland!!