The municipality of Riyadh, represented by the general management for environment, is getting ready to start a campaign and field visits to limit the health violations of the food establishments starting from 25-7-1432 H up to Ramadan. The general manager of the General Management for Environment Engineer Sulaiman Al Bathi said to "AL Riyadh" that more than 450 specialized health and veterinary investigators were recruited to target more than 15 thousand food establishments inside Riyadh. He added that the campaign's target is to reduce the violations of the health terms and to ensure that the food provided to consumers is healthy and to increase the knowledge of the workers in these establishments, and we target restaurants, kitchens, fast food stores, hotels, residency flats and entertainment places in markets and malls. Engineer AL Bathi pointed that the campaign will be done as field visits in the morning and evening periods and will concentrate on points, most notably to what extinct are the health terms are applied in the establishment and ensuring the good quality of food as well as the safety of the workers. He added that the environment health lab team will take random samples of water and food and immediately check it as well as checking the workers to ensure their safety by the accompanying specialists and medicine team using modern devices. He continued saying that brochures will be distributed to the workers of the establishments as well as circulations for the visitors of the establishments about food safety, microbe contamination and the importance of washing hands. The general manger pointed that summer vacation experiences an increasing demand of buying food and eating outside, which get contaminated due to the increasing trips, family occasions, celebrations and high temperatures that facilitate the fast growth of microorganisms if food is wrongly transported, stored and used. This may lead to damaging the food and expiry and to food poisoning in some cases.