Confronting people is the most dangerous things in the spontaneous public revolutions because it arises as a simple movement, and then changes into a public blindness if it got upset and chaos predomination has become the objective substitution. However, have those currents come as birth bangs? Or they are expositions resulted from authorities trespassing all limits? The connection between all demonstrations held in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen is that they are all calls for reforms and change of systems and constitutions, and opening communication channels between the governments and the people based on justice and rights, which are legitimate rights. However, fears comes from the counter effect of the situation when chaos predominates, hard reaches the normal person whose car is burned, whose store is destroyed, or who is besieged without food or medication. Perhaps choice of calming by the Egyptian Army and making the citizen trust the armed forces is one of the army's situations that should be remembered. Egypt is not a marginal country as its influence is huge, and the international and Arabic interest is not all for nothing, but is for fear of ruining security and from extremist trends going down and moving the street and leaping to power which will ruin life in the whole region. And such precautions are feared by all forces concerned about the situation in Egypt. The current situation in the Arab World is in an era of complete unrest. People that have been ignored freedom, justice and generous living by most of the governments is standing by themselves, and it is them who move the confrontations. The danger comes when the whole things gets out of control and when thieves and bandits take over the streets and passages, as the indigents who are below the poverty line are the fuel that moves the situation and its chaos. Perhaps the scenes displayed on TV stations where people carried chairs and furniture, and people calling for help while locked in their houses for fear of the consequences on the street, or for fear of going down street restrained them from getting their needs, is considered to be a dangerous case affecting all society bracket and not only the authority. In such cases, the situation needs quick initiatives to remove stress from the street. We have seen how the Tunisians stood against the formation of a government involving members of the late authority, and then amendment was made to pacify the situation, and remove congestive cases. Egypt needs a swift situation to change the outstanding situation. Things in such cases cannot be clenched by the security forces or the army, and by putting the confrontation between people who are life partners. The solder is not different from people the ordinary people in the society, the thing the emphasizes that concentrating on radical, constitutional, and legal reforms is the way to get out of the crises so as not to continue, or to be controlled by elements that would put Egypt in an unanticipated confrontations. In such growing reality, all people are creating unexpected and unanticipated expulsions, and the Arabic scenery will reach unprecedented cases of unrest. The slogans raised express a situation that can be ended only by a subjective decisiveness, as the nature of such revolutions are led by the street, which makes the difference between a positive and a negative movement. The incurable Arabic crises continues to be political and economical, as national revolutions are big and the process of making use of them and distributing them fairly are the results of getting out of crises and their complications, or reaching unhappy endings.