The US honor to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif in the form of the George J. Tenet Medal, presented to him by the CIA Director in Riyadh, is a clear recognition of his determined counter-terrorism efforts. It is abundant proof of the successful Saudi strategy to eradicate terror instigated by takfiris, extremists, and hostile regimes. Saudi Arabia has suffered at the hands of terrorists. There is little doubt about this fact. But the Kingdom took on the challenge and confronted the evil forces with marked efficiency. Much of the terror networks of the likes of the Al-Qaeda have been dismantled. The international recognition to Saudi Arabia stands testimony to the security and stability enjoyed by Saudi Arabia. It proves that the Saudi government, officials, security men and people are responsible enough to safeguard the nation, and are purveyors of peace in the region, Arab-Muslim world, and across the world. It is a well known fact that the Kingdom has never meddled in the affairs of other countries, nor has it conspired to spread violence or has indulged in any form of underground, secret maneuvers. On the contrary, the Kingdom, along with its Gulf allies, has been exposing the machinations of countries that seek to interfere in the internal affairs of the region. Yemen is a clear example of spiteful infiltration by foreign elements. The prompt action taken by the Saudi leadership initiating Decisive Storm has thrown the spanner in these designs. Saudi Arabia will remain a bastion of peace, forever advocating global peace and stability. It is a country that is always in the forefront to support global efforts to mitigate any forms of crises wherever they may occur.