The deft handling of the seesawing pattern of Saudi-US relations by Riyadh is a sound example of the farsightedness of the Kingdom in managing complex international relations. Tensions prevailed soon after 9/11, leading to a cold period in bilateral ties. But relations soon bounced back to normalcy, in fact even better than they were before, thanks to the wisdom of Saudi diplomacy and statesmanlike understanding on the part of the US. The lead-up to Donald Trump's presidency was a period of apprehension as to his probable unconventional policies towards Saudi Arabia and the Arab-Muslim world. The controversial statements made by Trump in his election campaign added to these fears. Saudi Arabia did not unduly overreact to Trump's election rhetoric, and waited calmly for the heat of the campaign to die down. And patience has indeed paid off. The telephone conversation between King Salman and the US President Sunday has proved that the balanced policy adopted by Saudi Arabia is a path trusted by its global partners. The two leaders talked about their strategic relationship and how they could be further enhanced. There was genuine desire on both sides to take these relations to even greater heights. The two leaders touched on regional crises, stressing on the need to fight terror and restore stability in the region by countering the designs of vested interests to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries and undermine their security. The warm conversation further substantiated the strength and depth of the bilateral relations, based on a solid foundation, with the only way forward being to broaden the partnership in the mutual interests of the two countries.