The war against Islam never halted for a single day in the United States during the month of Ramadan, and perhaps it became even fiercer. I monitored the activities of neo-conservatives and the Israel lobby and the Likudniks in the media, and selected items that deserved some comment. Then, I delayed publishing until after the month of fasting. There appeared to be an American-versus-American confrontation pitting Frank Gaffney, a Likudnik warmonger who heads the American Center for Security Policy – a front for hostility against Islam and Muslims – against Grover Norquist, the head of a group called “Americans for Tax Reform." The two men are politically conservative and the dispute was not over taxes or security. Gaffney started a war against Norquist, because he has a program of outreach with American Muslims. Gaffney convinced Representative Michelle Bachman, once a contender for the presidency, and four other member of Congress to send a letter to federal agencies asking for an investigation into the possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the American government. I read the text of a speech by Gaffney at a vile Likudnik organization in which he described how the Brotherhood had infiltrated the Republican Party. Moroever, the cabal of evil targeted Huma Abedin, the assistant to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as an example of stealth Islam in the American government. Some had asked for an investigation into her family background and its connection to the Brotherhood, claiming that her mother had “an Islamic agenda." Abedin has worked for Clinton since her husband Bill was president, and is now the Chief of Staff at the State Department. She is a single American Muslim, while there are thousands of American Jews, some of them Likudnik warmongers, in all decision-making centers of the U.S. government. Gaffney himself worked in the Reagan administration, as the deputy assistant secretary of state for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control. As a result of the campaign against Abedin, Senator John McCain, who is very conservative, rushed to defend her in the Senate, describing her as a friend, and a loyal public servant. He said the accusations against her, an honorable American, were unjustified and illogical, and should end. Her attackers were objecting to the presence of an American Muslim at the State Department – there are Jewish cabinet members and Likudniks serving Israel in all federal agencies. Do readers need me to remind them of the mafia that sought a war against Iraq, which led to the killing of one million Arabs and Muslims, and of the names – Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, and others? Abrams should be tried for murder with the rest of the cabal. However, he was not tried for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal, or for his role in the George W Bush administration. He recently penned an attack against Scandinavia, saying that it was boring, and objected to the banning of circumcision. He said it was a tradition for Jews (while forgetting to mention Muslims, of whom there are 1.4 billion, compared to 16 million Jews). But the article went on to reveal the reason for Abrams' anger, which was that Swedes and Norwegians sent a ship one week ago to break the Israeli blockage on Gaza, as many others have done before. The entire world is with the Palestinians and against Israel, the state of racism and terror. I saw the world's reactions at the United Nations last year to speeches by Mahmoud Abbas and the war criminal Binyamin Netanyahu. More than 80 percent of the delegates applauded the Palestinian president, and some were even moved to tears. Meanwhile, only the Israeli delegation of his fellow war criminals clapped for Netanyahu. I watched the material build up during Ramadan and delayed referring to it until today. Some of it dealt with sex, and I would prefer to overlook it (while keeping the items). Other items say that Islam has been a "universal economic failure." Still others were about objections to the building of mosques in the town of Murfreesboro in the state of Tennessee and the French city of Marseilles, where an article talked about expectations that the Muslims there will become the majority. There were other articles, talking about "slapping, stabbing and slaying" and connecting it to Islamic law, or arguing that the west is fooling itself when it comes to Islam. I have merely mentioned the headlines or paraphrased them, to avoid a bit of the objectionable language. If a Muslim were to talk about Judaism in the same way, he would be attacked for the next 100 years; there would be demands that he be put on trial, even after his death. The mafia of war and evil of the neo-conservatives and American Likudniks is made up of the most extreme and vile people, who defend a country that resembles them, one that is racist and terrorist. However, the world has exposed its falsity and thus Israel leads the polls when it comes to the most hated country in the world. [email protected]