Despite the seriousness of the charges that the military court in Lebanon might make against former Minister Michel Samaha at the end of the investigation with him, the most serious part consists of the confessions that Samaha reportedly made concerning the readiness of the Syrian leadership and the head of its security services to “carry out terrorist acts, attack the state's authority, and stir sectarian strife" as per the charges for which Samaha was referred to the military court; knowing that the military court only looks into crimes targeting matters of national security. Strangely, none of these accusations, which were also made against Maj. Gen. Ali Mamlouk, stirred a response on the Syrian part, and even less a readiness to send the national security bureau's director to Lebanon to appear in court! Strangely and quite indicatively as well, even those who are telling stories in Lebanon on how the Information Branch laid a “trap" for Samaha aiming at implicating him did not make any statement to express even the slightest bit of doubts concerning the Syrian regime and the possibility of it actually making these actions. All these people are quite aware of the “job" that the Syrian regime had in Lebanon. Thus, they were not surprised by the exportation of the bombs with the aim of carrying out assassinations and stirring sectarian strife in the country. Thus, they got convinced that they may practice their job of defending the regime of President Al-Assad in many aspects not including them going all the way to stress on the regime's keenness to preserve the Lebanese security or claiming that the regime actually rejects the violence and the killings of its Lebanese opponents. A regime that is carrying out such crimes against its own people cannot be expected to be more sympathetic with the citizens of the neighboring country even if they are connected to it by “brotherhood, cooperation and coordination." That is the reason why the supporters of Damascus in Beirut turned to some lateral issues such as the dislocation of Samaha's house door or the fact that the services that performed the arrest were illegal. This was an attempt at covering up on the main issue despite the resulting severe security threat as per the President of the Republic, Michel Suleiman, who got acquainted with the contents of the investigations. Furthermore, none of the Syrian regime supporters volunteered to wonder about how could a car loaded with this amount of explosives that could tear the country apart actually cross the Syrian-Lebanese borders at a time when these supporters never stopped calling for the need to shield the Lebanese borders from the “infiltration" of the “terrorist elements" towards the Syrian interior in order to fight the regime there. The Lebanese side is definitely at fault concerning the issue of the explosives' smuggling and there is a need for an investigation concerning the responsibility of the Lebanese security services on their side of the borders. However, the major question is to be raised concerning the Syrian side and the nature of the “presents" that are infiltrating the borders in the direction of Lebanon despite the security agreements between the two countries. These agreements should presumably include that the services of the neighboring country must not carry out any actions that could threaten the security of the other country. If the accusations against Michel Samaha are proven to be true, he would have offered a “favor" to the opponents of the Syrian regime and its long-term actions in Lebanon; a favor larger than this regime's staunchest enemies could have ever offered. He would also have offered a favor to those people who are calling for Lebanese sovereignty against the Syrian interferences. Who could have imagined, even in a dream, that a Lebanese judge would dare make this kind of accusation against the number two man in the pyramid of the Syrian security authority right after the president himself? Through his deed, Samaha has provided conclusive evidence for the first time to all the accusations against the Syrian regime including the carrying out of assassinations; the stirring of ambulant sectarian massacres in order to prolong the civil war and thus prolong the lifetime of the Syrian interference in Lebanon under the pretext of working on preventing the civil war! The value of this “favor" is not toned down by the fact that Samaha's deed is the result of an excessive “naiveté" despite the exaggerated talk about his “smartness"; or by the fact that his connection to the Syrian security services has reached a level where he can no longer refute the orders of that regime. Thus, the Lebanese authorities must respond to Samaha's expressed gratitude for saving him from “the tormented conscience" that he would have felt had the bombing plot succeeded by saying to him in turn: thank you for allowing us to find the thread that we had been looking for, for the past forty years!