Five Grad rockets were fired at Eilat and Aqaba, and I read in the Israeli press that this attack had all the hallmarks of Hamas, and elsewhere, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda were also accused of being behind it. Perhaps the truth will be known one day, but in any case, the Israeli press did not wait for it, and the commentators chose to write their own whims and wishes, as they accused this or that enemy, and projected unto others the actions that the Israeli government commits, including the occupation, murder and destruction. Hamas definitely did not fire those rockets, nor did Hezbollah. They are both resistance factions against Israeli terrorism. While al-Qaeda is indeed a terrorist group just like Israel, and both mutually justify the other's reason for existence, it is not able to carry out such an attack even if it wanted to. There is something I call the wishful press, which is when a commentator writes his wishes even if they contradict all known facts. Everyone practices this kind of press, including Arab writers, lest we forget that each of the latter accused the Mossad of being behind 9/11 because they wished that, and then continued to insist on this even when al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks in New York and Washington. Two days before the rocket attacks, I read an article written by the Likudnik American Charles Krauthammer, entitled “Iran starts to feel the heat”, i.e. pressure, and this is definitely a wish of Krauthammer's. A day before, the Israeli Likudnik Guy Bechor wrote an article that mentioned that the “Enemy is in a process of suicide”. He seems to have realized that Israel will not destroy Iran, and so he chose an easier path which is that Iran will destroy itself. I will return to Bechor and the Israeli press tomorrow. However, I will stay today with the American Likudniks. Krauthammer built his entire case on a statement by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in which he said, “They (the United States and Israel) have decided to attack at least two countries in the region in the next three months." I bet my own clothes that the United States will attack no one although the Israel gang wants it to attack Iran, just like it attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, in the hope that the new war will kill another million Muslims, while it does not matter that thousands of American youths die along with them as long as this serves the interests of Israel. I did not understand after reading the Likudnik writer's article, how Ahmadinejad's statement can mean that Iran is feeling the heat. The pressure has been on Iran for years now, and the Iranian president exploits this to rally support against the Great (and small) Satan. Does the reader know that not only is Israel an asset for the United States, but it is also a massive strategic platform in the Middle East, and the deal of the lifetime for the Americans. Not only this, but Israel is also an effective ally against terrorism. The proponent of this opinion is Robert Satloff, the executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, which is yet another pro-Israeli Jewish lobby. He said this during a debate with Ambassador Chas Freeman, who previously worked in the Middle East. Chas Freeman then gave a strong response; however, he is a diplomat after all. Personally, without any diplomacy, I want to say that Israel is a terrorist state itself, and is responsible for every terrorist attack in response, including al-Qaeda's terrorist attacks in the United States. Were it not for Israel, the occupation and its crimes, al-Qaeda and its likes would not have existed at all. Israel has made the U.S the most hated country in the Middle East and around the world. Israel steals the U.S taxpayers' money through the lobby-controlled Congress. Were it not for the illegal settlement outpost called Israel, the United States would not have lost its wars after losing the support of the peoples of the Middle East, nor would thousands of Americans have been killed in Israeli-motivated wars. At the same time, I was reading comments that go beyond utter arrogance, to being the wishful thinking of their authors. Another American Likudnik website published an article entitled “Hamas's siege on Gaza” in which he claims that the people of the Strip live in luxury, and everything is available there, while there are huge investments in the entertainment sector, especially swimming resorts (I thought Hamas as an Islamist faction was against swimming, especially with the mingling of the sexes). Of course, the writer is lying with every word, and he wishes that the Strip is like he claims it to be, in order to convince the world that there is no blockade or suffering, and that it is Hamas that is responsible. Another article written by the Likudniks themselves was entitled “Blood on Obama's hands”, following the death of three U.S soldiers in Afghanistan. They want to convince themselves that Obama is responsible for their own wars. But it was the Likudniks who incited both wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The blood of young Americans along with that of the Arab and Muslim victims is on their hands. However, they hold Obama responsible for their ongoing crime, although he only inherited the wars launched by the Bush administration with their support and incitement. I shall continue tomorrow. [email protected]