Nepalese Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai filled out the cabinet Sunday, more than a week after he was elected to the executive post, according to dpa. The premier swore in six new ministers from his Maoist party and seven from the United Democratic Madhes Front (UDMF). Bhattarai's cabinet, which prior to Sunday included just him and his deputy, now totals 15 ministers. Maoist Vice Chairman Narayankaji Shrestha was appointed deputy prime minister and foreign minister. The UDMF was also given strong portfolios, in line with the pact struck earlier between the Maoists and the UDMF. Cabinet formation had been delayed as the parties had been unable to agree on power-sharing. The start of Bhattarai's term as prime minister has been rife with controversy due to internal wrangling within his own party. A faction of the party has been protesting the move of the leadership last week to hand over the Maoist weapons to the government. The Maoists waged a decade-long conflict that ended in 2006 with the signing of a peace pact. The former rebels joined mainstream politics through the Constituent Assembly election in 2008, in which the Maoists were elected as the biggest party.