At least two tremors occurred at the Marapi volcano on Monday, said the local Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Agency spokesperson. "The two activities consisted of a shallow volcanic tremor recorded at 00.10 am and tectonic tremor at 06.00 am," ANTARA quoted the agency's spokesperson Warseno as saying here on Monday. Those seismic activities have set the mountain safety level to the second level, despite the rare frequency, experts from the agency are still continuing to monitor the volcano. "We recommended the volcano status is in the Level II, visually, we no longer see white thick smoke from the crater," Warseno said. Marapi's volcanic activities are also decreasing compared to the earlier eruption which occurred with volcanic ashes, the visibility level is also increasing, he said. To monitor the volcano's activities, the agency has installed three seismographs and a digital analog unit at 2000 meters above the sea level, or at Batu Palano area and 1500 meters high at Lasi. Mount Marapi's activities at Tanahdatar and Agam district increases since August 3, 2011. The volcano was reported gushing sulfuric volcanic ash that reaches 1,000 meters high which spreads across a number of West Sumatra districts namely Agam, Tanahdatar, Pariaman, Padangpariaman, and Padangpanjang. The 2.891 meters high mount Marapi Bukittinggi was last erupted in 2005, the city of Bukittinggi is also an evacuation area if whenever the volcano is on the alert status. In the normal active state, the mountain is adjacent to Mount Tandikek Singgalang and this has always been a destination for local and domestic climbers.