The Popocatepetl volcano in central Mexico was very active Thursday and three times spewed ash into the air in 3-kilometre-high columns, according to DPA. The National Centre for Disaster Prevention said the 5,452-metre volcano, which can be seen from Mexico City, had 44 bouts of low to moderate activity between midday Wednesday and Thursday morning. Some of the events also involved minor tremors. After each bout "the volcano's activity returned to the previous level," according to the latest report. Popocatepetl, some 60 kilometres south-east of Mexico City, is one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico and last erupted in December 2000. If often spews steam, gases and ash, and sometimes pyroclasts, as rocks from volcanic eruptions are known. Despite recent activity, the authorities kept the security ring around the volcano at its usual distance of 12 kilometres.