The OPEC Fund for International Development( OFID) issued a press release today with regard to approving a second grant of US$ 500,00 to assist the affected Libyans by the Crisis in the country. The following is the text of the release: "The OPEC Fund for International Development( OFID) approved a second emergency assistance grant of US$ 500,000 in aid of Libyans affected by the crisis in the country. The grant to be channeled through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) will help in the provision of the essential food and non-food supplies to Libyan refugees in Tunisia. The grant will contribute to the humanitarian response to the Libyan refugees in the neighboring country, including the strengthening of the reception capacity of the host country. UNHCR is in contact with local authorities, other UN agencies and local and international non-governmental organizations to coordinate the global humanitarian response to the Libyan refugee crisis. The first OFID grant, in March, also for US$ 500,000, was channeled through the World Food Program. The grant was also for the provision of essential food supplies."