13th Century Hijri (16th - 19th Century Gregorian)) for the year 1432H - 2011G has been awarded jointly to: Professor Halil Ibrahim Inalcik (Turkey) of Bilkent Universityand Professor Muhammad Adnan Bakhit Al-Sheyyab (Jordan) of the University of Jordan, Amman. Professor Halil Inalcik is awarded the Prize for his seminal book: "An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire: 1300-1600" Part I, which represents the pinnacle of his research over six decades, and establishes his entirely new school of thought independent by the centrist, European approach to studying Ottoman history. Professor Inalcik's inferences were based on reliable, original and highly documentative sources and have influenced many scholars of economic and social aspects of Ottoman history. Professor Muhammad Adnan Bakhit Al-Sheyyab of Jordan is awarded the Prize for his 3-volume book: “Studies into the History of Bilad ash-Sham (today's Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon)” which deals with profoundly important aspects of the economic and social history of those countries. Bakhit al-Sheyyab's studies derive from different sources including documents of Ottoman archives and records of Sharia courts and churches, as well as conventional sources. The author applied statistical and graphical methods and obtained new and influential information, thereby founding a new Arabic school in this field. --More