Adoption of the List Entitled List of Rights and Financial Benefits as follows: 1. Conditions for granting additional allowance to all ranks added to the article (18 / 2) 2. Amount of cash allowance in article (22 / 1) paid to a seconded employee inside or abroad the Kingdom to what it was before the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (86). 3. Assigning of overtime in the normal working days includes the employees of ranks (13, 14.15) . 4. Amount of the remuneration set forth in Article (26 / 3) which is spent for overtime to its normal status which it was before the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (101) 5. Amount of compensation contained in Article (27 / 1), which gives to the employee in case of death or disability or handicap prevents him from work definitively to vary from (SR 60,000) to (SR 100,000). --More