Hijjah 1431/Nov. 16, SPA -- At the crack of dawn of the first day of Eid Al-Adha, masses of pilgrims started flinging seven pebbles at Jamarat of aqabah, the first of sequent rituals of Eid Day for the pilgrims in Mina. SPA reported that the process of performing the rituals come in a smooth and quiet flow from camps to the Jamarat bridge according to successful Tafwij (crowd management) plan from and to the five level air-conditioned bridge. The development project of Al-Jamarat Bridge which now in full capacity after the final stage of the top is completed, really prove significant drop in jostle and stampede and other inconveniences. It is now the third season for the bridge to increase the flow of pilgrims and cut down the time spent in performing the rituals. Civil defence and security, health and transportation and other elements of immediate services are organized for best services and utmost of organizing in the bridge and surrounding and leading areas.