Ending of the engagement between Kharj Agricultural scheme and Irrigation and Drainage Organization in Ahsa and annexing it to the animal resources sector of the Ministry of Agriculture, terminating the processing of milk and its marketing, but keeping the Bank of Genetics and Artificial Fertilization Centre and its main and auxiliary services, both the administrative and housing, and all employees in the scheme, attached to Ministry of Agriculture, which will provide the Technical College in Kharj, affiliated to the General Corporation for Technical and Vocational Training, with cow milk to take advantage of it in training according to a mechanism to be set, on agreement, between the Ministry and the Corporation. 3- Allocating to the Technical College in Kharj, which is an affiliate with the General Corporation for Technical and Vocational Training, a land plot of 315,973 sqm of the land of the Agricultural Scheme of Kharj and another land plot from the Scheme of 267,800 sqm, on which already stand the barns, the milking unit, and the processing unit, in addition to the mud-made buildings on a plot of 52,170 sqm. 4- The General Corporation for Technical and Vocational Training will supervise and maintain the mud-made buildings with a size of 52,170 sqm that comprise the barns, the milking unit and the old processing unit. --More