A Sukuharjo district health official said the death of 14-year old girl a few weeks ago proved to have been caused by bird flu. "We can confirm that PN died of bird flu a few weeks ago," ANTARA quoted health official Agus Prihatmo as saying. He said samples of PN's body fluids had been sent to the Health Ministry's laboratory in Jakarta for tests and the test results received in Sukaharjo only on Friday (July 16) had shown the junior high-school student was positively infected with the bird flu virus. He said it was so far not known where the virus came from. "We still don't know whether the virus originated in Menjing Polokarto, Sukoharjo or another region," he said. The victim who was a resident of Menjing village had had contact with a dead chicken. "At the time she dumped a dead chicken in the backyard of her house," he said. He said his office had taken preventive measures, especially at and around the victim's residence, after knowing the cause of her death. Agus also appealed to the people to be alert to the possible spread of the virus by improving cleanliness. "Have your health condition checked at the nearest health service center as soon as you have the symptoms," he told people. In June PN suffered from an influenza-like illness. The health ministry has conducted a study in the village with regard to the death of the girl.