A devastating fire raced through several apartment complexes in the Bangladeshi capital today, killing as many as 50 people and injuring dozens, AP quoted officials and local media as reporting. Fire official Nazrul Islam said the blaze started when an electric transformer exploded, igniting a three-story apartment building in the Najirabazar area of old Dhaka. He said «many bodies» had been recovered, but would not specify the number. Local TV station Channel I reported at least 50 deaths, while another station Desh reported at least 34 died in the fire. Islam said several injured people were taken to the state-run Dhaka Medical College Hospital in critical condition. He said the firefighters had the blaze under control and the rescue operation was continuing. Bangla Vision television channel quoted unnamed fire officials as saying the fire had spread to at least 20 apartment complexes. It said the rescue effort was being hampered since the area is crammed with buildings and roads are narrow.