Dr. Hanif Hassan Ali, Minister of Health of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), reviewed the AIDS National Combat Report that will be raised for the first time to the UN's General Assembly in cooperation with various health authorities in the UAE. Hanif met with Dr. Mohammad Alam Al Deen, UN Designated Technical Coordinator to assist the member states on compiling their national reports about the disease and its infection rate as part of the report's national goals. For his part, Dr. Mahmood Fikri, Executive Director for Health Policies at the Ministry of Health, said "The UAE adopted a draft system for dealing with disease reported cases and the actions taken to achieve prevention and co-existence of close society members from getting affected". "The United Arab Emirates submits its periodic report every two years to the United Nations in New York on a regular basis. The report covers the guidelines of the UN general assembly in relation to fighting AIDS", Dr. Fikri elaborated.