Prince Mishaal bin Abdulaziz, Chairman of Allegiance-Pledge Commission received at his palace in Jeddah on Tuesday evening, a delegation from King Abdulaziz University (KAU) , headed by the University's Rector Dr. Osama bin Sadiq Tayyib. During the meeting, Dr. Tayyib briefed the Prince on the achievements of the University's Center of Innovators for Studies and Research, specializing in engineering and technical studies, affiliated with the Scientific Endowment of the University. The Prince also listened to a detailed explanation from the Executive Director of the Endowment Dr. Issam Kawthar on the Endowment's achievements since its inception and watched a replica of a future architectural vision of the area surrounding the Holy Mosque in Makkah and the holy places. In his speech, Prince Mishaal thanked the delegation for their efforts in scientific research and its development. "These projects carried out by King Abdulaziz University in participation with the private sector give pleasure to all citizens in this country," he said. --MORE