The Twenty First International Conference of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs concludes its session here today, in the presence of His Eminence Dr. Muhammad Sayid Tantawy, Grand Imam Sheikh of Al-Azhar, the Honorary President of the Conference and Chairman of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, and Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, and participation of Arab, African, European and Asian delegations and representatives of International Islamic organizations. The Saudi delegation to the 4-day conference was led by Sheikh Saleh bin Abdulaziz Al-Elsheikh Minister of Islamic affairs, Endowment, Dawa and Guidance. The conference recommended the nation's Ulema, jurists, and Islamic institutions, academies and organizations to exert utmost mental and intellectual efforts to apply stipulation to real facts and events that arise in the life of people. The recommendations included urging Islamic countries and organizations, Ulema and jurists to redefine and reformulate the relation with non-Muslims under the changes that are taking place in the international arena. The Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs reasserted the dire need to renew Islamic thought and research methodology particularly in creed, Islamic philosophy, and jurisprudence domains. --More