A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was sighed here today between the Administration of International Development in the United Kingdom and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) for cooperation, notably in the field of development and fighting poverty. The MoU stipulates cooperation for combating poverty in the world in line with the millennium goals fixed by the UN as well as extending basic services, particularly in the health, education and food security domains in addition to finding new job opportunities in cooperation with the private sector, implementation of Paris declaration and assisting the developing countries to enhance their capabilities in the statistical spheres. The MoU was signed by Dr Ahmed Mohammed Ali, the President of the IDB and Mike Foster, the minister of state for foreign development in the UK. Speaking on the occasion, Mike Foster said the MoU aims at financing a joint project in the Yemeni city of Hoota for bringing potable water and improving the sewage network. On his part, Dr Ahmed Mohammed Ali said aspects of cooperation with the British government are plenty, adding that the IDB is keen on promoting cooperation with all international organizations and governments which are concerned with the development aspect.