Faisal bin Abdulaziz, the Governor of Makkah region, delivered a speech in which he started with welcoming the auspicious gathering of the Ulema and jurists of the Muslim Ummah in this International Conference of Fatwa (religious ruling) and its Controls. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal addressed the attendance saying: "You are meeting today on a serious issue to ward off your nation a great threatening danger at a time this nation is encountering external campaigns to tarnish its image, to fabricate accusations aginst it, and having calamities at some of its territories. What is going on now in Gaza is a painful scene that requires bridging gaps, renouncing differences, closing folds and agreeing on one voice that we direct to the world. The Islamic arena is found to have an internal hazardous negative phenomenon that undermines the efforts to address these objectives. This phenomenon is that fatwa is spread from each mouth through satellite channels, Internet and other modern communications media and pulpits. These means are wide-spread, and promote this phenomenon and open the door wide to fatwa without rules. The situation opens an opportunity to the prejudiced, ignorant, extremist and slacky to set out to fiqh (jurisprudence) fields and poise for fatwa furthering offense against Islam, blemishing its intentions, and providing Islam's enemies with more pretexts to hurl more accustions against Islam, have audacity to Quran, and fabricate aginst the Prophet of Islam (May Allah's Prayers and Peace be upon him)". "Ignorance in religion and being prejudiced in fatwa are the most dangerous challenges before the Muslim community, particularly the youth, where flaw infilterates to their conceptions due to eccentric views of equally the prejudiced and the immoderate in religion, which entails extreme mistakes in creed and great dangers in conduct, disbanding the unity of Muslims, holding them non-Muslims, and declaring killing them lawful" he added. He gave a proof on Allah's warning of this sedition in His saying " As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them of all that they did". Our Prophet also warned saying: "Your predessessors were damned eternally by differing on the Book". The Prophet described those people who stray at end of time as holding ignorant religious chiefs, when asked they give fatwa without knowledge leading themsleves and others astray. The Prince said that since its creation, saudi arabia is based on moderation in Islamic Sharia.