Qatar Petroleum's (QP) Chairman and Managing Director Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Atiyyah, signed on Friday a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hiroshi Watanabe, The CEO of The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) to expand investments in clean technology. Al Atiyyah said in a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA) after the signing ceremony that MOU will enable Qatar to be an active participant in the emission reduction and to further contribute to a cleaner environment. As Japan's most important energy supplier, QP is building on a long standing relationship, which has witnessed the implementation of various energy-related and infrastructure projects for electricity and water. The Qatari Deputy Premier And Minister of Energy and Industry lauded JBIC for its contribution to secure a stable supply of energy and infrastructure development projects in which Japanese firms have participated. It is expected that the signing of this MOU will further strengthen ties between the two countries. The MOU signing ceremony was also attended by Qatar's Ambassador to Japan Riyad Ali Al-Ansari and members of the delegation accompanying the Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Industry.