recruited personnel is considered under a one -year-long probation period, effective from the date of his appointment. If proved ineligible during this period, he will be terminated through a decision by his employer. b) Based on Paragraph (a) of this article, the medical fitness probation period is extended to two more years to check whether he has contracted epilepsy or any psychological disease barring him from doing his military duty. If the military personnel proved to have positively contracted one of those two diseases or it was proved that he has entered the service despite his affliction of a disease that leads to losing medical fitness, his service comes to an end by the authority who had the right to recruit him based on a medical report by the Higher Military Medical Committee; he loses the right to the pension of retirement. c) Exempted from the ruling of paragraph (b) of this article, are those who proved to have positively contracted epilepsy or psychological disease due to an accident or an injury after being appointed, provided that this is based on a medical recommendation by the Higher Military Medical Committee. --More