Machines and electrical equipment with a value amounting to SR 8207 million. --Transportation equipments with a value amounting to SR 4960 million. --Ordinary metals and their products with a value amounting to SR 4325 million. --Food stuffs with a value amounting to SR 3118 million. --The rest of the commodities with a value amounting to SR 6878 million. The Department also said that the most importing countries were: --The United Arab Emirates with a value amounting to SR 1415 million. --China with a value amounting to SR 613 million. --Kuwait with a value amounting to SR 498 million. --The rest of countries with a value amounting to SR 6207 million. The total value of Saudi exports to these countries during May amounted to SR 8733 million. The most importing groups of countries were: --GCC countries with a value amounting to SR 2878 million. --Asian non-Arab and Islamic countries with a value amounting to SR 2136 million. --Other Arab League countries with a value amounting to SR 1660 million. --Other groups of countries with a value amounting to SR 2059 million. The total value of Saudi exports to these groups amounted to SR 8733 million. --More