Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri leaves for New Delhi on Saturday for a three-day private visit to India, officials said. Kasuri will informally meet his Indian counterpart Paranab Mukherjee on November 27. Kasuri is visiting India to attend the wedding of the daughter of senior Indian politician Mani Shankar Aiyer, who studied with him at the Cambridge University. Officials said the foreign ministers upcoming meeting would be informal but still they would have detailed discussions on almost all the issues with Kashmir and terrorism at the top of the agenda. Pakistan and India recently held the foreign secretary-level talks in New Delhi to review the third round of composite dialogue as part of the peace process initiated in January 2004. The two foreign ministers would carry forward the talks held between the two sides in the foreign secretary-level meeting. They would also work out the dates for the Indian foreign minister's visit to Pakistan, which is likely to take place in January.