Saudi Aramco's pipeline network is among the largest in the world, and the company's president and CEO recently reminded Pipelines employees that they are leading the way for the oil and gas industries. During a recent Executive Management Safety Review, Saudi Aramco president and CEO Abdullah S. Jum'ah, alongwith senior management, was given an overview of issues critical to the maintenance of healthy pipeline operations. The morning's several presentations focused on challenges unique to pipelines and how Pipelines Department employees overcome them through the implementation of strategic initiatives and state-of-the-art technology. "We must find our own way with our own initiatives, our own activities and our own education," Jum'ah said. The Executive Management Safety Review site visits included the Dhahran Pump Station, the Pipelines Monitoring Center and a specially prepared exhibit at the Technical Exchange Center, according to a report carried by Saudi Aramco's web-site. --MORE 23/07/2006 10:00 ت م