Stocks surged on Friday for a second straight session, as the market gained 240 points this week to make up for last Friday's losses. U.S. light crude for March delivery increased $1.50 to settle at $67.50 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained about 98 points, or 0.90 percent, to reach 10,907.21, and the technology-heavy Nasdaq went up 21.23 points, or about 1 percentage point, to reach 2,304.23. The broader Standard & Poor 500 went up about 10 points, or about 0.80 percent, to reach 1,283.72. The New York Stock Exchange Composite Index went up 52.14, or 0.65 percent, to reach 8,096.14, and the American Stock Exchange Composite Index dropped 2.22 points, or 0.12 percent, to fall to 1,824.29. The Russell 2000 went up 3.74 points, or 0.51 percent, to fall to 732.22. --SP 11 37 Local Time 08 37 GMT