Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz, the Deputy Premier, Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General, today laid the foundation stone of King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Tabuk. At the venue, he was received by Minister of Transport and acting Minister of Health Dr. Jubarah bin Eid Alsuraisiri and senior officials. Then Crown Prince Sultan was briefed by Eng. Mohammed Abdullah Algahtani, Director General of Projects and Maintenance Department at the ministry of Health, on the two-phase project. Phase one of the 500-bed hospital includes the main building which comprises an underground, five floors, services building and a tunnel, administration, out-patient, kidneys dialysis buildings, mosque, stores, and nurses boarding house. Phase two includes 12 buildings designed to accommodate the families of the hospital's personnel, and two buildings as homes for bachelors, creation center. Then Crown Prince Sultan unveiled the project's plaque and laid the foundation stone of the project, giving okay for construction works to start immediately. During the speech ceremony which followed the laying of the ground works ceremony, the Minister of Health said, in a speech read on his behalf by Dr. Alsuraisiri that the Ministry started to build a chain of specialist hospitals throughout the continent-like country. --More 2043 Local Time 1743 GMT