Jordan's military court on Wednesday convicted an alleged militant in a 2002 bombing that killed two people and sentenced him to life in jail with hard labor. Mustafa Siyam, a Jordanian of Palestinian origin, was found guilty beyond any doubt of the terrorist attack, the three-man military tribunal said. The bomb was placed under the car of the wife of a senior Jordanian intelligence officer, Lt. Col. Ali Burjaq. Burjaq had left the area minutes earlier, and the blast killed two passers-by. Siyam was also charged with the possession and manufacturing of explosives, The Associated Press reported. The court said Siyam will serve a life imprisonment, but did not specify the number of years he will spend in jail. Under Jordanian law, a life imprisonment is at least 25 years. Younis Arab, Siyam's lawyer, said he planned to appeal the verdict.