The recent terrorist attacks in London and Egypt appear to be the work of al-Qaida, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Sunday. Gonzales said that although there have been no specific threats against America, U.S. officials are concerned that there could be similar attacks here, according to AP. «We know we have an enemy that's very patient and very diabolical,» Gonzales told CNN's «Late Edition.» «We know even though there hasn't been an attack since 9-11 here in this country that we have an enemy that's still intent on doing harm to the United States and its interests. And we're doing everything we can do to protect Americans from another attack,» he said. Gonzales said that «appearances seem to indicate that it is al-Qaida.» But he cautioned that the investigations are still in the early stages and no definitive conclusions have been made. At least 88 people were killed in three bomb blasts early Saturday in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt. London was hit Thursday by a second wave of bomb attacks on its mass transit system. Unlike the July 7 attacks that killed 56 in London, no one was injured in Thursday's botched strikes.