Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko denied on Wednesday her government was drafting a list of companies whose privatisation would be reviewed, a fresh sign of dissension in the new liberal administration, Reuters reported. President Viktor Yushchenko last week said officials were drawing up a list of 29 companies deemed to have been privatised in questionable circumstances so that new tenders might be held. The president made no mention of any companies, saying ministers and security bodies were still working on the list. His press service on Wednesday said he would make a statement on the matter later in the week. Ukrainian and Russian media outlets have published different lists of what they believe are the companies concerned. But Tymoshenko said the government had not discussed any such list. "Let me say officially that the Ukrainian government has not adopted any black list. The issue was not discussed at any government meeting," she told a news conference. --more 2332 Local Time 2032 GMT