The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha), will host in Riyadh 22-23 March 2022, the Fourth Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Arab Convention against Corruption and the Arab Forum to Enhance International Cooperation in the field of Combating Corruption, with the participation of anti-corruption ministers in 14 member states of the Arab League, including the presence of a number of international and regional organizations. President of the Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority Mazin bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous, welcomed convening the fourth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Arab Convention against Corruption under the chairmanship of the Kingdom. The President of Nazaha said that the conference will discuss a number of important decisions that would enhance Arab cooperation in combating corruption, and this includes speedy cooperation and information exchange, in order to ensure that Arab countries are prevented from providing safe havens for corrupt funds. He also explained that the conference aims to promote efforts of Arab countries to dry up the sources of corruption, through exchange of experiences and expertise on strengthening preventive measures to limit corruption, including criminalizing bribery of foreign public officials, and establishing accountability on the ordinary person; pointing to the need for regional cooperation in Investigations of cross-border corruption cases, including cases where recovery of proceeds of crime is required. The conference will discuss several important topics, including the follow-up to the implementation of decisions issued by the Third Conference of States Parties to the Arab Convention against Corruption, which was held in Morocco 2020, in addition to discussing the report and recommendations of the meeting of the committee consisted of government experts for states parties to the Arab Convention against Corruption. It is noteworthy that the Kingdom joined the Arab Convention against Corruption by Royal Decree No. (M/36) on 03/06/1433 AH. The convention includes provisions on preventive measures against corruption, prosecute its perpetrators, enhance Arab cooperation, promote integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law; and encourage individuals, civil society institutions to actively participate in protecting integrity and combating corruption.