President of the Saudi General Court of Audit (GCA) Dr. Hussam Al-Angari headed the GCA delegation to the 62nd meeting of the Executive Council of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI), held in the State of Qatar on June 5-6, 2021. The meeting discussed topics on the agenda, including the report of the Chairman of the Executive Council and the Secretary General's report on the Council and General Secretariat's activities since the last meeting. The meeting also discussed the reports of bodies participating in committees and working groups of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). This is in addition to adopting a work plan for training and scientific research for 2021, the final budget for 2020, and the estimated budget for 2021. The Saudi General Court of Audit is the Second Vice Chairman of ARABOSAI's Executive Council. Additionally, it represents the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions in INTOSAI.