implemented such as leasing, labor and service contracts, catering, medicines and medical supply contracts, and consultative service contracts having repetitive annual appropriations. B) Supply contracts approved in Chapter II requiring contracting for more than one year, provided that the annual value of a contract runs within the budgeted appropriation. The first financial year appropriation is set as a standard to set the value of the contract, provided that the amount of the contract not to be linked to other purposes. C) Contracts of operation, maintenance and projects implementation, provided that the commitment be limited to the approved authorization for each program or project. Ninth: The government's control bodies have to strictly follow-up the implementation of the cabinet's resolution No. (52), dated 7/3/1420 H. and Article 3/H of the Government Procurement Supply and Projects Implementation System. In case there is a strong justification to divide the purchases and businesses, prior coordination with the Ministry of Finance is required. --More 1949 Local Time 1649 GMT