The Saudi Channel, during the holy month of Ramadan, is scheduled to broadcast a documentary on historical mosques in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through 30 episodes that shed light on 30 mosques in 10 regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These mosques underwent renovation and development works under the first phase of the Mohammed bin Salman Project for Historical Mosques Renovation. Every episode will be broadcast at 6pm and re-broadcast at 4:40am daily. The program is the first of its kind worldwide for its being a visual media production that documents this number of historical mosques over such a geographical span that covers all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in addition to the content of the program episodes that are full of information, historical depth and heritage dimensions. Each episode will also display scenes and information about resuming prayers and receiving worshippers in these mosques whose ages range between 60 and 1,432 years, in addition to what historical mosques represent at religious, social and cultural levels and their connection to historical and national stories, as well as the role of the Mohammed bin Salman Project for Historical Mosques Renovation in protecting heritage, resuming life in these mosques, in addition to reconnecting people and communities with these mosques for being a social component and a witness on legacy.