Shares advanced in Asia early Tuesday, AP reported. Shares rose in Hong Kong, Sydney and Singapore. Markets in Shanghai and Tokyo were closed for a holiday. Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 0.6% to 23,745.66, while the S&P/ASX 200 in Australia climbed 0.8% to 4,640.47. India's Sensex bounced back from a plunge on Monday to gain 1.6%, at 32,221.58. Singapore's benchmark jumped 0.9%, while Bangkok's fell 1.3%. U.S. benchmark added $1.50, or more than 6%, to $21.89 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It climbed 61 cents on Monday to $20.39. Brent crude, the standard for international pricing, picked up $1.30 to $28.50 per barrel. The dollar was at 106.62 Japanese yen, down from 106.75 yen on Monday. The euro fetched $1.0908, unchanged.